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UncategorizedStudent Podcast
January 14th, 2025
[Meg O’Neill] 00:08 Hello and a warm welcome to all our listeners tuning in to the Berkeley Technology Law Journal podcast. My name is Meg O’Neill, and I’m one of the editors at the podcast. In today’s episode, we dive into the contentious world of content moderation on the internet. ...
April 18th, 2020
Host Joseph Kroon ’22 discusses the new Apple/Google COVID-19 contact network system, the Supreme Court’s first foray into broadcasting its proceedings, and a ruling regarding copyright and third parties on Instagram.
April 30th, 2016
A forthcoming BTLJ Article by Jonathon Penney titled “Chilling Effects: Online Surveillance and Wikipedia Use” has made international news. The Article discusses the results of the first empirical study of regulatory “chilling effects” of Wikipedia users associated with online government surveillance around the NSA/PRISM revelations in June 2013.
UncategorizedBTLJ Blog
April 22nd, 2016
Cyber-crimes, such as data breaches and cyber-attacks, have posed a constant threat to the United States Government and its citizens in the post-Snowden era. A study suggests that in 2015 a total of 58 cyber-attacks occurred on US companies, which marked a significant increase from the previous year. The average cost per attack ...
April 10th, 2016
H. Whei Hsueh ABSTRACT This comment relates to the third pillar, excellence in customer service, and in particular, Proposal 5: review of current compact prosecution model and the effect on quality. Patent examination quality can be improved by requiring that all examiners pass the patent bar and complete mandatory continued ...
March 12th, 2016
Charles Duan, Daniel Nazer, Ange Royall-Kahin, Vera Ranieri, and Julie P. Samuels In its February 5, 2015 Request for Comments, the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office proposed to improve the quality of patents based on three “pillars”: excellence in work products, excellence in measuring quality, and excellence in customer service. ...
UncategorizedBTLJ Blog
February 8th, 2016
In May 2015, Mylan Pharmaceuticals appealed to the Third Circuit after the lower court dismissed its case against Warner Chilcott, which was predicated on a practice called product-hopping. While we await the ruling which is due to come later this year, here is some background information on the developing area ...
November 23rd, 2015
American Chemical Society (ACS) Summary: The American Chemical Society (ACS) supports Proposal 1 under Pillar 1 since it helps bring issues to the Office of Patent Quality Assurance as they arise during examination. It supports Proposal 5 under Pillar 3 because it allows applicants to resolve or reduce issues before ...
October 9th, 2015
IS COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT A STRICT LIABILITY TORT? By: Patrick R. Goold ABSTRACT Scholars and lawmakers routinely refer to copyright infringement as a strict liability tort. The strictness of copyright liability has long been criticized as immoral, inefficient, and inconsistent with usual tort doctrine. However, this Article questions whether copyright infringement ...
October 9th, 2015
SOVEREIGNTY UNDER SIEGE: CORPORATE CHALLENGES TO DOMESTIC INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY DECISIONS By: Cynthia M. Ho ABSTRACT Countries face a new threat that strikes at their ability to balance protection of intellectual property rights against other priorities, such as public health. They may have to pay substantial compensation to companies that dislike ...